Project state (2021-06)

Due to lack of interest from anyone else, and as the current functionality is sufficient for my use, I am officially ceasing active development.

The tool honestly had become monstrous due to nature of C# and WinForms, and adding new features was becoming cumbersome.

The latest plans I had was to build it from scratch in better language, but that would be large undertaking. My own interest was mostly to re-do it in Rust, but due to the language being still in its infantile form and its development tools being barely functional if even there (IDE, code completion, linting, etc.) I just didn't want to bother learning it. Sure the errors are descriptive when you compile it, but I want to be warned about it Before I manually recompile. Also lack of detailed comparisons of GUI libraries, and some of their lacking functionality, it wasn't feasible. This investigation honestly happened last year, so things may have changed.

Anyway, all this means pretty much is that TM is dead project waiting for the development scene to change.

Since the app has been downloaded less than 10 times to my knowledge, with zero sales when it was actively developed (and donations were still accepted), I don't think this will really matter to anyone.

Files 931 kB
Version 166 Feb 06, 2021

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